Level 2 EV Charger Installation

We can install an Electric Vehicle (EV) charging unit that will charge your electric car faster than a normal electrical outlet. There are two things that impact how quickly you’re able to recharge your electric vehicle at home: the EV charging unit and your home’s electrical supply. There are three levels of EV chargers:

  • Level 1—These chargers come standard with your electric vehicle. They use a standard electrical outlet and provide slow, overnight charges.
  • Level 2—These chargers are faster than a level 1 charger, but you need a qualified electrician to do the EV charger installation. These are one of the most popular home charging options, and you can get up to 70 miles of range for just one hour of charging.
  • Level 3—These chargers are extremely fast, but you need an industrial power supply. You’ll usually see them at public charging stations.

If you’re interested in having a Level 2 EV charger installed in your Lake Norman home, call us today. As part of the EV charger installation process, we can help you pick the right charger for your car model, upgrade your electrical system as needed, and install the charger according to all proper codes. 

Level 2 EV Charging Station




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